

When a child is diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents often have concerns about which treatment is right for their child. For some kids, ADHD symptoms can make it hard to socialise. Kids may talk nonstop or have trouble thinking before they speak. They may also have trouble managing their emotions and about 50% of patients diagnosed with ADHD are prone to anxiety and depression. ADHD can be managed with the right treatment.

Psychiatrists say ADHD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. Medications are the easy treatment choice however, they do not cure ADHD. Rather, they control the symptoms for as long as they are taken. While they do deliver results in symptom changes, they can also have side effects.

Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) can replace negative behaviours and thoughts with ones that are more realistic and positive. It also helps kids build self-esteem which tends to be negatively affected by ADHD. This award-winning technique uses a blend of hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy and neuroscience to change the neural pathways in the brain that store information on repetitive actions and behaviors.

Our Rapid Transformation Program helps ADHD patients condition their mind using alpha brainwaves to rewire neural networks within the subconscious, making it easier for them to focus better and carry out tasks that they previously had difficulty with. Not only does RTT™ help change negative behaviors in as little as 28 days, it also helps to cope with the negative emotions that may arise as a result of the diagnosis.

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Dr. Kiran Bindra
MB BS (LOND), BSc (Hons), MRCGP (UK), DRCOG (UK) GMC License no. 6164162
Family Medicine Consultant

An accomplished family doctor and an alumna of University College London and Glasgow University, Dr Kiran Bindra is the first port of call for all medical concerns. Beyond general medicine, she has specific knowledge in the fields of dermatology and psychiatry....Read more

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