
Fears and Phobias

Phobias come in a range, from the common (fear of water, heights, closed spaces) to the more unusual (fear of falling asleep or a fear of certain foods). What is shared among all of these is that our mind creates these phobias in response to an event in our past, usually our childhood. As a child, our subconscious locks on to these images and words to form an imprint in the mind and before we know it, we have formed a fear.

The key to curing a phobia is using regression while in the alpha brainwave. Priyanka Ghaghda, certified RTT™ Practitioner, will guide you through a Rapid Transformational Therapy™ session to banish your phobias once and for all. This proven method not only helps with phobias but also common fears such as public speaking, fear of the dentist, fear of needles and so on. Priyanka’s Rapid Transformation Program uses the Marisa Peer Method to efficiently offer results in as little as 28 days.

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Dr. Kiran Bindra
MB BS (LOND), BSc (Hons), MRCGP (UK), DRCOG (UK) GMC License no. 6164162
Family Medicine Consultant

An accomplished family doctor and an alumna of University College London and Glasgow University, Dr Kiran Bindra is the first port of call for all medical concerns. Beyond general medicine, she has specific knowledge in the fields of dermatology and psychiatry....Read more

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