
Food Intolerance Test

Food intolerances can cause a myriad of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, itching, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, indigestion and even hives.

Unlike a food allergy, a food intolerance does not affect the immune system or cause an immediate reaction such as itchiness, swelling or rashes. Instead a food intolerance often occurs when the body has a problem digesting the food.

With food intolerance testing, over 200 foods can be tested to determine whether you have an intolerance to any of them.

Your body’s reaction to each food substance will be confirmed as normal, borderline or elevated so you will be able to adapt your diet based on your test results and minimise the symptoms associated with food intolerances.
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Benefits of a food intolerance test:

  • Requires a simple blood test
  • More accurate than testing via an elimination diet
  • Measures IgG responses to over 200 foods

Common symptoms of a potential food intolerance can include:

  • Skin rashes
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Abdominal bloating / cramp
  • Nausea
  • Gas
  • Intermittent diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Hives
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Asthma
  • Coughing
  • Joint pains
  • Aching muscles
  • Weakness
  • Migraines & headaches
  • Impaired concentration
  • Mood & behavioural changes
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Hyperactivity


What foods does the intolerance test look at?
The food intolerance test analyses your reaction to over 200 foods, divided into categories including dairy, seafood, fruit, vegetables, seafood, cereals & grain, herbs & spices and nuts. The food intolerance test does not include a lactose intolerance test.
Who can undergo a food intolerance test?
Food intolerance testing can be performed on  patients over the age of two years old but most food intolerance testing is carried out on patients who are significantly older than this. Young people and adults generally undergo this type of testing if they suspect an aversion to a food substance is causing unpleasant symptoms to occur.
Is it worth having a food intolerance test?
People with undiagnosed food intolerances can experience months or even years of unpleasant symptoms and their quality of life can deteriorate as a result. With effective food intolerance testing, however, patients can quickly identify which foods may be causing the problems and modify their diet accordingly, thereby reducing their symptoms considerably.
How long does a food intolerance test take?
A food intolerance test simply requires a blood sample. This is a quick and simple procedure which can usually be carried out within a matter of minutes. Once the blood has been assessed, you will receive your results in just a few days and be able to see which foods you are intolerant to.
Dr. Kiran Bindra
MB BS (LOND), BSc (Hons), MRCGP (UK), DRCOG (UK) GMC License no. 6164162
Family Medicine Consultant

An accomplished family doctor and an alumna of University College London and Glasgow University, Dr Kiran Bindra is the first port of call for all medical concerns. Beyond general medicine, she has specific knowledge in the fields of dermatology and psychiatry....Read more

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