
Anger Management

In a nutshell, an anger problem can be identified if you find you are aggressively reacting over something seemingly minimal. The same can be applied for any emotional overreaction. The reason? You have been triggered. Triggers may occur due to our own unique past experiences which may have happened when we were too young to have the depth, wisdom and perspective to understand a situation clearly or to understand our own personal response to it. It may have been one major dramatic event, although more often, smaller experiences over time build up our responses – such as watching unhappy parents fight all the time and being thrown into the middle of these conflicts.

The consequences of anger problems at work can lead to stress, not only affecting those experiencing the emotion but also affecting colleagues with a potentially devastating outcome for both the person and their company. Individuals seen as moody or angry are likely to be avoided by others and this is not complementary to good work practices. Negative emotions in any area of our lives can severely impact our quality of life.

Rapid Transformational Therapy is unique in that it explores your memory under hypnosis and uncovers the specific experiences in your past that lead to your presenting issue today. If you emotionally overreact in relationships, or get unreasonably angry when you see people interact in certain ways, RTT™ enables you to self-check and get to the bottom of why that is.

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Dr. Kiran Bindra
MB BS (LOND), BSc (Hons), MRCGP (UK), DRCOG (UK) GMC License no. 6164162
Family Medicine Consultant

An accomplished family doctor and an alumna of University College London and Glasgow University, Dr Kiran Bindra is the first port of call for all medical concerns. Beyond general medicine, she has specific knowledge in the fields of dermatology and psychiatry....Read more

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