
Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence

We all have times when we lack confidence and don’t feel good about ourselves. But when low self-esteem becomes a long-term problem, it can have a harmful effect on our mental health and our lives. Low self-esteem can affect everything from the way you view your career to the way you conduct relationships. If you are struggling with perfectionism or procrastination, chances are you might be struggling with imposter syndrome which is a result of low self-esteem. If left untreated, poor self-image can cause you to feel like a victim. When you fail to recognise your power and worth, your ability to make money, attract opportunities and relationships also reduces.

Low self-esteem often begins in childhood. Teachers, friends, siblings, parents and even the media send us messages about ourselves, both positive and negative. If you have low self-esteem or confidence you may hide yourself away from social situations, stop trying new things and avoid things you find challenging. If your feelings of low self-worth are rooted in childhood, addressing your problems might feel like an impossible task.

Rapid Transformational Therapy™ is an award-winning therapy that uses a combination of hypnosis, neuroscience, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychotherapy to identify the root cause of low self-esteem and instill powerful, loving beliefs into the subconscious mind. Our Rapid Transformation Program can help you achieve this in as little as 28 days.

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Dr. Kiran Bindra
MB BS (LOND), BSc (Hons), MRCGP (UK), DRCOG (UK) GMC License no. 6164162
Family Medicine Consultant

An accomplished family doctor and an alumna of University College London and Glasgow University, Dr Kiran Bindra is the first port of call for all medical concerns. Beyond general medicine, she has specific knowledge in the fields of dermatology and psychiatry....Read more

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