
Why you should get an STD test regularly

No one wants to think about STDs and fear of stigma often causes people to go unchecked. However, STDs are circulating in the population and the best way to make sure you are not infected is by getting a test. 

Anyone who’s sexually active should get an STD test regularly. 

But why? If you don’t feel unwell, are asymptomatic and your partner is OK too , isn’t STD testing unnecessary? What if you’re in a monogomous relationship, surely testing is unnecessary?

The answer is no. Here’s why:

STDs are often symptomless

STDs often remain symptomless for years. You can catch an STD and infect a future partner without knowing. 

STDs are linked to serious health consequences

The human papillomavirus (HPV) has been linked to cancer in both women and men. 

Left untreated HIV typically develops into AIDS, which seriously damages your immune system and can lead you to develop  life-threatening conditions. 

Untreated chlamydia and gonorrhoea can cause both male and female infertility.

Chlamydia is known to increase the risk of miscarriage, premature births and stillbirths.

Untreated syphilis can infect multiple organs and damage the brain, eyes, nerves, bones, joints and liver. 

Can you transmit an STD to your baby

If you don’t know you have an STD it is possible to  transmit it to your unborn baby during pregnancy or labour. It is common to screen for STDs at your first prenatal visit to manage any sexually transmitted infection that may appear.

Protect your partner

You  respect yourself and your partner and vice versa. Therefore, it makes sense to protect each other’s health by getting a test. 

Better safe than sorry

In the UK and other western countries, it is common practice to get tested for STDs at least once a year as well as at other significant milestones like the start or end of a relationship, or when a woman is pregnant.

When you take an STD test regularly you can feel confident you  are taking responsibility for your own health and that of your partner. Please feel free to get in touch and we can discreetly arrange STD testing for you.

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