S-T-D Testing

These infections are far more common than most people realise and doctors routinely carry out these tests on both male and female patients.

With discretion, compassion and complete confidentiality, we will carry out relevant testing and deliver the results to you.

Standard PanelExtended PanelComprehensive Panel













Early detection for HIV, HBV and HCV







AED 880AED 1,320AED 1,925

While the symptoms of such an infection may not be immediately seen or felt, it’s worth getting a test even if you feel perfectly fine. For those with specific concerns, it is also recommended to have a test at the earliest opportunity, as if treatment is required it is better to start sooner, rather than later.

If you’re experiencing symptoms, such as pain upon urination, discomfort during intercourse, discharge or itching, it’s advisable to seek medical advice straightaway.
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Symptoms you should look out for can include:

​For men & women​For women​For men

Pain when urinating

Genital itching, burning or tingling

Blisters, spots, sores or lumps

Yellow or green discharge

Foul smelling discharge

Pain during during intimacy

Genital discharge

Irritation of the urethra


How would I know which panel is suitable for me?
Our doctor will ask you a few questions and have a chat with you to develop an understanding of your sexual and medical history in order to recommend which screening panel may be best for you.
Is testing painful?
Tests are carried out in a number of ways. Genital swabs, urine samples and blood tests may be needed in order to confirm whether is present. However, none of these collection techniques are painful.
What happens after testing?
Once the relevant samples have been taken, they are analysed and the results are usually returned within three days. Your doctor will contact you confidentially to confirm your results and to determine whether any further treatment may be required.
Will my personal details be shared with anyone?
The entire process is strictly discreet, confidential and secure. Regardless of the results of the test, your personal background or situation, no information will be shared with anyone besides yourself.

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